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Jiangsu fushida food machinery manufacturing Co.,Ltd

Contact: Mr.Zhong




Whats app :0086-17849498835

Address:No. 21 Longteng East Road, Fangong Industrial Park, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province

Quality Control of Chocolate Complete Equipment Commodity


High-end skilled commodities are the focus of competition in modern food chocolate machinery technology. High-tech skills were widely used in food and chocolate machinery at that time. Because of the continuous use of various high-tech skills, the development of food and chocolate machinery industry in various countries has been greatly promoted. Continuous production has replaced intermittent production, specialized production has replaced general production, large-scale production has replaced small and medium-sized production, and whole-process quality control has replaced the quality control of final commodities. Control, completed the food processing and packaging process of continuous production, professional work, automatic conditioning, the whole process of control and industrial operation. These skills span, mainly high-tech skills play an important role in the use, this role is becoming more and more significant.

The development of chocolate candy machinery is lagging behind.

Domestic packaging machinery commodities to high-end promotion is also facing great difficulties: self-reliance and innovation ability is not strong, advanced skills rely on foreign countries; quotation vicious competition, commodity similarities and plagiarism all over the world; relatively backward development, based on spare parts, automation, intelligent control system and testing equipment, machine processing and basic system. The development of equipment is significantly behind that of the mainframe. If we want to really develop domestic packaging machinery products to high-end, we must first overcome these doubts.

Since the Industrial Revolution, China's packaging machinery has gradually developed, gradually improved and developed, the scale of commodity circulation has further expanded, the use of packaging machinery industry is more extensive, and its role is also growing. The China Machinery Industry Federation estimates that from 2011 to 2015, the total output value of China's food processing and packaging machinery industry is expected to exceed 600 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 16%.

Above is the relevant content that Xiaobian introduced to you, hoping to help you.


Jiangsu fushida food machinery manufacturing Co.,Ltd

Contact: Mr.Zhong




Whats app :0086-17849498835

Address:No. 21 Longteng East Road, Fangong Industrial Park, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province


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